Rejuvenate eyelids. How to make your eyes more beautiful and younger


Cosmetic procedures and cosmetic surgery are most needed to improve the appearance of the eyes. Last year alone, more than 200, 000 men and women underwent eyelid surgery (eyelid plastic surgery), and the rejuvenation procedure could not even be calculated.

What do you need to know for those who want to improve this part of the face called by the classic "Mirror of the Soul"?

Eyes need to rejuvenate aesthetic issues

  • A heavy, tired expression.
  • Dropped his eyelids.
  • Eye bags or puffiness under the eyes.
  • Excessive wrinkles on the skin.

Most of these problems can be successfully corrected by upper and lower eyelid lifting surgery. Plastic surgery aims to improve the three main components of eyelid tissue: skin, muscle and fat. The result is beautiful eyes and a youthful appearance.

Rejuvenation of the upper eyelid

Most patients who go to beauty clinics complain of heavy sagging upper eyelids, sometimes forming a kind of "turban". This condition is called ptosis. Drooping eyelids may be congenital or caused by injuries, neurological diseases or even improper use of botulinum.

Before the operation, the doctor identified the cause of the drooping eyelids, which allows you to remove the eyelids most effectively. The condition of the eyelid muscles must be considered. If they are weak, perform flip surgery or flip surgery to strengthen the muscle structure. It is usually performed together with eyelid plastic surgery.

During the operation, excess skin and fat protrude from deep within the tissue. This technology can produce immediate results, improve the contour of the eyelids, make the appearance more open, and make the face rest and refresh.

If the soft tissues of the forehead are loose and drooping, in addition to lifting the eyelids, you should also point out eyebrow lifting and forehead correction.

Before and after eyelid plastic surgery

How does plastic surgery solve the lower eyelid problem

The most common discomfort in this area of ​​the face is eye bags. The skin of the lower eyelid is very sensitive and will become thinner with age. Wrinkles appear under the eyes, similar to crumpled tissue paper, through which fat passes.

This situation can be corrected by elevation-lower blepharoplasty. During the operation, excess skin and fat will be removed. If necessary, the doctor tightens the stretched muscles.

For patients with a small amount of excess skin, it will be compressed (squeezed), which will make the contour of the lower eyelid smoother.

As we get older, it is obviously necessary to perform double eyelid surgery to significantly restore the vitality of the area.

Non-surgical methods of eyelid rejuvenation

In addition to surgical procedures, there are more and more non-surgical procedures aimed at improving the appearance of the eyelid skin:

  • Microneedles-The process of piercing the skin with a small needle. As a result, tiny holes remain, and the body tries to repair these holes by producing collagen and elastin.
  • Chemical peelingUse various natural compounds to rejuvenate the skin and remove wrinkles.
  • Laser therapystimulates metabolic processes and causes muscle contraction.
  • Radiofrequency and ultrasound therapycan tighten and smooth the skin.

Surgical and non-surgical methods of eyelid correction should not be considered mutually exclusive. The two technologies can be used together, complement each other organically, and can provide excellent results.

Correction of nasolacrimal groove

At the junction of the lower eyelid and cheek, there is a nasolacrimal sulcus, which becomes more pronounced with age. The soft tissues of the face lose their volume, and gravity stretches them downward. A dark arched area is formed under the eyelids, making the eyes look tired and aging.

In the process of improving the beauty of the area, the tear duct is filled in several ways:

  • A filler that fills the lost tissue volume with the help of fillers.
  • By adding fat cells transferred from other parts of the body.
  • Non-surgical procedures-microneedling, radiofrequency, ultrasound and laser methods can improve the condition of the area.

Platelet-derived plasma (PRP) injections from patients are also used. The plasma is rich in growth factors, which can stimulate the skin above the nasolacrimal groove to rejuvenate.

A beautician will help you choose a combination method that consists of multiple complementary processes.

The function of eye rejuvenation

Upper eyelid and lower eyelid plastic surgery can provide immediate, long-lasting and noticeable results. However, when performing these operations, important nuances must be considered. Many nerves and blood vessels pass through this area, and the organization is very delicate. Therefore, only doctors with extensive experience in eyelid plastic surgery can trust this surgery.

When the operation is performed correctly by experienced plastic surgeons and beauticians, the skin rejuvenation process will produce excellent results that satisfy the patient.